I think of each class like a nature special on the Serengetti Plains of Africa, where the lioness hunts her prey carefully, while the innocent gazelle nervously graze. As the lioness (professor) moves in for the kill (looks at her roll sheet), the gazelle herd becomes noticeably unsettled, anticipating the strike. Several begin to run (panic and stop playing solitaire on their computers), and the herd is sent into an all out frenzy. Then, suddenly, the chosen prey is downed (called on by the professor), and the herd stops, each member filled with the relief of not having been chosen, and they all begin to graze (play solitaire, IM each other) anew, as the lion rips into their lost comrade.

but..um..the lioness doesn't eat the gizelle right? it is sort of a catch and release program?!
they just scar it for life
Some die, it's true, but others escape wiser and more experienced.
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