Seriously. I had no idea that Michael Buble′ had such sex appeal, but there were teenagers everywhere screaming out his name. And by the end of the concert I was right there with them. He is sooooo HOT! An amazing voice, funny, and tons of energy. He ran through the whole audience so we could all get a good look, and appoligized to all the guys who had been forced to come by their girlfriends. Every time he beautiful. At the end he had us dancing in the isles, and I was about 30 feet away. Then he sang the last bit without the mic. Soooo cool. He did Johnny Cash and Michael Jackson, rapped a bit to entertain the 9 and 13 year olds in the front row, and even did a line or two from "My Hump" which made us all crack up, except for my parents who had no idea what he was doing. So from now on, he is my favorite, and I plan to stalk him for the rest of my days. For your viewing pleasure, a picture montage.

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