I actually said 2 intelligible thinks in Covv6ntracts this week. zd (sorry, Gato it helping me type). I rarely give the right answer in there, so it is nice. It's also refreshing since Property makes absolutely no sense anymore, and Civil Procedure has officially become the most boring class ever. EVER!!!

I may be going to Oxford this summer. No, I will be going to Oxford this summer to study abroad with the English and have tea delivered to my room. How fabulous is that?! My parents may fly out before the program so we can go see shows and explore jolly old England together. My mom wasn't that excited until she heard that there is a deer park at the university, and they have white deer. Now she's psyched. I'm totally psyched too. OMG!!!

I"m totally psyched too since I"ll be in England. I can come visit your tea party! I will be a little scruffy though because i'll be staying in youth hostels while I'm there (unless i'm living with Janet and John in their thatched cottage in the Devon countryside or with those relatives that live in a Castle...)
Thatched cottages and castles. We totally need to move to England.
yeah we do
I'm buying my tickets next week i htink so you better go to Oxford..
Oxford-yay! You'll be proud to hear I still hold my childish aspirations of going there for college (whether or not you knew I had them in the first place)and that with straight A's my first semester, it's not totally out of the question. We drove by and looked at it last summer, and it was much of the pretty. We did a whole walk around Cambrige too, which was also delightful, but for some reason Oxford seems even better.
Heehee-I leave typos by my cat too. She's prone to stepping on the 'enter' key for long periods of time though, which leaves intersting problems.
Whoever you are , Anonymous, I know you're not a law student because you said you got straight A's last semester. That never happens to us. Sad.
I'm sure it's a lovely school, although they'd never have let me in before with my grades.
Hey, is this Susan?
Hey...when does your program start and what day are you planning on getting there...want to go to STA travel with me this week to book my flight/plan my trip? it could be fun!
Right-sorry, that anonymous one was me. I forgot to sign-I'm apt and inteligent like that. ...not so much.
Oh, my goody-goshness. That second anonymous one, the one where I explained how I forgot to sign? That one was also me, and, I am Susan. Wow, genious, I tell you.
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