Silica Gel
You know those little white packets that come with labels that say do not eat? Well, Rani/Gato found one in her play box and gnawed the wrapper off. It doesn't look like she ate much, if any, but given that she has seemed a bit sick, I am worried. So, I went on line and found out a few things that I thought would amuse you.
ain't the point of a dessicant is that it sucks moisture like a... uh, never mind. I mean, that's what it does, though, right? It tries to make everything in proximity to it as dry as possible... I mean, eating silica itself prolly wouldn't hurt you; it's just sand... But when it's got a punch like that, you'd end up a shriveled withered creature from the inside out, yeurgh.
One of our cats loves it, for some bizarre reason, and will chew open any silica gel packets we leave out and consume the contents. We discourage this as much as possible (and try not to leave silica gel lying around), but she doesn't seem to suffer any ill effects.
And my personal favorite...
dude, this stuff sucks to eat. its not fatal... but it sucks a lot. especially when mixed with tequila and beef fajitas. take my word on this--your body rejects everything that is not bolted down inside of it, and continues to do so for a good 12 hours. not a good thing.
I think she'll be ok, but I am little worried about these people.
1 comment:
this explains all the medical problems with Rani/Gato...
Also explains why I meet some people and go ,"how is it possible that you are that dumb?" - they have been eating silica
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