It's 9:30 and I've only done homework for one class. And Cappy has decided to start increasing the size of our reading assignments and then haul ass through them so we cover every thing this year.
I went home this weekend. Gato took her first major road trip. She did well and didn't even get carsick. She also played with my stuffed mooses. She took one off the edge of the table actually. *thump* and then scurried behind the furniture so I couldn't catch her. Typical.
My parents were so cute. I felt so appreciated. It was also great to just sleep and watch TV. I had Indian food and ...ok, that's about it, but it was good!I get to go home again for spring break in two weeks. CAN'T WAIT!!! But I am going to have to work everyday to get my outlines and rough draft of my brief done. Oh well. I am going to have 5 weeks vacation this summer before I head off to England, so I guess I can't really complain. Life is good.
I hate Kathy Smith. Her beginner's step routine is boring and because she so into using her arms, I have had two of the worst headaches ever following her workouts. NECK CRAMP! That's in fact why I have only read for one class so far, and I didn't do any laundry, clean my mountain of dishes, or go grocery shopping either. It's all Kathy's fault.
I wondered about out piddling friend, like on Sunday night I suddenly wondered, was I supposed to exercise somebody? But I forgot to ask you in class. Any of our classes. Or before or after. I think they need to up my adderall.
*tear* are we so unbearable that you CAN"T WAIT to go home?! I guess you are right though, I CAN'T WAIT to go home in only 9 weeks! yay!
Yes, that was definately a statement about you guys. Everything is.
i know...i'm the center of the universe...i thought we had cleared that up already...btw nice job in torts today. i was impressed. you made me so proud! I was tempted to nudge Caroline and say "she's in my study group" just so she'd be jealous
Bite me.
dude! i was being completely serious...not joking...i knew that you were totally BSing butyou sounded well informed and knowledgable...you are smart! yay us!
LOL. I sounded pretty lame. Admit it.
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