Today I woke up and got ready for the pub crawl. I thought it got this name because you drink so much you have to crawl home, but I was wrong. It's because they make you walk really far in the blazing hot sun, admittedly over beautiful country, and by the time you get home you can only crawl. I had a very nice time though. I got to spend a lot of time with both Ben and James, and also Santino and Jon.

All the guys here are at least reasonably good looking, so it's hard to find a reason to complain. Santino is the hotest, but I suppose that's why he is off my radar.I decided that Ben is perfect for Stephanie. And James, although I absolutely cannot say why, is still my favorite. He is an enigma, and he doesn't talk to me much, but we walked a long ways side by side, silently, and I thought it was nice. I didn't really have anything to say today anyway. He did ask me about my yoga ring, and then he started talking about the Hari Krishnas and this case he clerked for this summer. Does this mean he thinks I am a Hari Krishna? I had him explain to me what he learned about them, but we didn't get far. He commented on my neckless the other day, so I am going to need to get more jewelry that explains who I am so he can keep asking.

Ah boys. I don't really plan on getting one for myself, but I sure do enjoy window shopping. He did program his number into Ann's phone today, so I think a little less of him for that. I don't like her at all. Annie, her best friend, with equally bleached blond hair and over tanned skin is better, but not much. They are everything I fear in girls. Two faced and fake. Shallow and mean. Smart, but not beyond the walls of the classroom. So that is James' flaw. Oh and he smokes. Yah, I know. I just learned that today. Damn him. And he lives in Oregon. OK, he has lots of flaws, but I like him anyway.
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