The more I talk to Mark, the less I like him. I have always tried to tell myself that I can be friends with republicans, but it turns out this is only true if we never talk about politics. Plus, he is a bit of a homophobe, even though he knows and might associate with one or two (I think it might actually be a cousin). We were having the nature/nurture debate about homosexuality and that's when I learned he isn't really a big fan of the scientific method unless it is saying what he wants to hear, and the reason he gives for his skepticism is that "those studies tend to just find what the researcher was looking to find." No, the irony was not lost on me. He spent 8 years in the military, and is all macho and weird in the way officers can be. He has to bring up that he isn't gay everytime he goes out with a bunch of us girls, and particularly when we have tea. I guess all Englishmen are gay because they drink tea everyday, AND talk to girls. And he thinks NPR is a liberal radio station, and mocked me because I called it balanced, and when I pointed out that people had actually done research into the different news stations, he simply remarked that there was absolutely no way for a news source not to be biased. Um, ok. Besides, it always scares me when people talk about how liberal NPR is because it indicates just how conservative they are. I guess NPR is waaaay to the left of him anyway. But my favorite political argument we've had was during the world cup final when he commented that he would never buy a Cuban cigar (which actually did come up in context), and I asked why because I knew what the answer would be and I was in the mood to be difficult. After we finished, he made some comment about how strange it was how I got all into it, like someone had programmed me to say it. Um, yeah. And then today we got in this argument about homeless people, athough I tried really hard not to say anything and just let him make all these typically republican remarks about how they're all hooked on drugs and alcohol, and deserve to be homeless. Grrrr. So Mark and I need to be physically separated I think, because I am starting to resent the fact that he is using up perfectly good oxygen that might be spent on more clear-thinking people.
I know you're all laughing, all two of you that is, because I know I sound just like me, all argumentative and difficult. Seriously though, if you listened to him, you might be smart enough not to argue with him, but you'd still be disturbed. You know I'm right. I mean left.
1 comment:
I'm starting to like Mark a little less as well.
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