Friday evening was the croquet match, and I saw him walking around holding hands with a black haired girl. Presumably French girl because that morning at breakfast he had shared that they spent the night watching the Break-Up with Jennifer Aniston and what's-his-face, and wondering why they had broken up. Cool. This makes sense.

Cut to Saturday. In the late morning I saw his walking some blond chick out of the gate. They weren't holding hands but it did seem a little fishy. Does he have some visiting friend? And then he returned about 20 minutes later girl-less, so it looked a bit like a one-nighter followed by the walk home. I actually considered that French girl might have bleached her hair, but it had been after 9:00 the night before when I saw her with black hair so this seemed unlikely.
Cut to Saturday night. Black-haired girl returns, and she and James sit on the lawn wearning his two nearly identical sweaters, drinking wne and chatting. No cuddling, but they had held hands the night before and she definately had not dyed her hair. WTF?
And just now...I saw him walking a reddish haired girl out the gate, holding hands!!! It MIGHT have been the blond from yesterday, but the hair definately looked redder. Either way, James seems to be workin' the system pretty good of late. He is actually a bit of a shmuck. I wonder what black haired girl would think if she knew he was all sad to be broken up with her, if indeed she is the French ex, only to be shacking up with various other girls only hours after hanging out with her. What a Collin.
manky and i are giving up men. we are learning french and german and spanish (or italian) all at once and knitting (well she is..)and time for men. only time for furthering my career objectives.
I see. Does this mean something happened while you two were gone, or have you just reexamined what already was and decided they are hopeless?
BTW, I might have some langauge tapes for you to borrow since my dad has, at certain moments of inspiration, decided to learn a number of them. Remind me to check once I get home.
cool! radical! yay!
BTW i'm trying to register for the wills class but i can't find it on the search for class website because i was also in the class that got canceled. do you have the CRN number for the one you registered for?! please?! help!!!aahhh
80309, for the evening version with Coletta. I hope he's cool. You'll have to ask Abdul.
language tapes! language tapes!
how about icelandic?
Um, yeah, I'm thinking not-so-much on the Icelandic language tapes. German, French, Spanish, maybe Japanese...
I used to listen to the news in icelandic while i was doing my homework - - i couldn't understand it... but that was the point
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