The good news is that Germaan finally gets to retire and play in the pasture. The bad news is that this is because he is officially, permanently broken.
The good news is that our vet got into see a doc quickly and get a scan done. The bad news is that he really does have a spot on his lung. Oh, and his neck still isn't doing very well from the time he fell playing polo and landed on his head and passed out.
The good news is that Skye didn't have a stroke. The bad news is that she is almost completely blind from cataracts that finally finished closing in on her vision. She can see the difference between light and dark when its 6 inches from her face. The ugly part is that, since she is also almost completely deaf, she is pretty much screwed. Dad is optimistic, but I am imagining many a tragic accident involving the deaf, blind dog who wanders the property filled with ditches, tractors, and rattle snakes. I am imagining pool access. I am imagining coyotes. My imagination is very ugly.
The bad news is that my mom's good friend from childhood has a spot on her lung too, which might explain why she has been coughing and hacking and miserable for the past year or two. As she has been a smoker all her life, the odds that it is just some abberation on the scan are low. However, since she is too poor to afford health insurance, she won't be going in to find out more any time soon. There really was no good to that part of the story. Sorry.
It has been a pretty weird week all around. Oh, and its still hot and I still want to go home. I hate essays. I hate exams, and I hate not really working full time while not really having time to play. I am in summer vacation pergatory.

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