Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Today was a holiday at the Ashram. The birthday of my guru's guru, Baba. We had a lovely day chanting and Gurudev read to us from one of Baba's books. We had lasagne and cheesecake, and the garden theme was The Ocean, with little fishes and blue table clothes because our guru helps us cross the ocean of wordliness. It's good to be home. Then we watched a scene from Boston Legal and decided that snack cakes with crushed beetles and motor oil probably aren't good for us. Gurudev is into health, and he likes Boston Legal. I think it's pretty cool the stuff we do at "church".

I taked to my friend Modesto (Dusty) who has his own jazz band. He plays the trumpet very well, and sometimes tours Europe where people think he is gay because of his black t-shirts. He told me some good artists to try listening to, and I asked him what he knew about Michael Buble. He knows several people in the band, as it turns out, and said he will get me back stage the next time they come to town. Sweet! He also wants me to pick a song and come practice with his band so I can sing at one of their gigs. I am a wimp, but I just may have to do it for the sake of meeting Michael. Dusty wants to steal his logo, because they have the same initials. I am pretty sure that's a violation of trademark law or something, but I didn't say anything because, well, you know. I didn't wanna seem too weird. Perhaps I should have thought of this sooner.

1 comment:

Lilly K. said...

sweet! if he can get me a date with some rad musician, sign me up!!!