An Ode to the Mystery Bacteria
You pesky little bacteria,
you fill me with hysteria
Where did you come from?
No, don't go play dumb.
I know that you're in there,
that you want to make more heir,
but that just cannot be.
So get out of my mommy.
It's not that I hate you,
it's that I must choose.
I know that you're useful,
and that of you we're all full,
but I must draw the line,
until mommy feels fine.
So, reduce your mass numbers,
for Dr. Mejumder.
That's all that I ask.
It can be no great task.
But before I go I must warn,
get out before the storm.
The medicine is coming,
and it's anything but yummy.
wow. that's...wow.
You have to like my use of the word "mommy". The height of sophisticated erudition.
no..i'm seriously impressed! In awe...that awesome...I can't even make 2 line rhyme let alone an entire ode to germs...
I was amused :-)
Hi Mira! Found you via the Harper website. You can find me at misswong77.livejournal.com.
Are you a 77' too? I didn't know. I ran into Gina Yeung yesterday and she implied things were bad with Kara. Say it isn't so!
mira....where are you?....come out come out wherever you are!
apples, peaches, pumpkin pie, if you're not ready holler I!
um yeah...your rat peed on me...and it looks tiny but it holds a LOT of pee...i'm not very happy. I am not friends with your rat...
Stephanie was a hero and held your rat
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