I think I still win the contest for having the crappiest law student weekend, despite what Jesse and Stephanie might think.
Friday, I went to Nordstroms and Macy's to find a nice suit to interview in, but discovered that I am too fat to fit into anything that doesn't have an elastic wasteband. The lady at Macy's said I just shouldn't button the coat, to which I replied with my most contemptuous scowl, and also thought to myself, "ORRR you could just make bigger clothes." At Nordstroms I tried on 15 jackets, and the only one that fit nocely up top was about 4 inches too long, so I looked like a midget. Then, some other lady there suggested I try on a knit outfit, "that looks really nice." KNIT?!!!!! Have you ever seen a lawyer in knit, or with their jacket unbottoned. COME ON! So I was completely demoralized, and continue to alternate between horror and outrage. I feel a scathing letter coming on, and it has Nordstrom's name all over it.
I was still hopeful, that at the very least I would getsome work done, but then Dad got a cold and so he couldn't visit Mom at all. So I have spent most of my awake time there or as part of a fruitless shopping effort. I even read her my property homework and explained easements to her.
BUT, the icing on the cake came today. You see, this morning I had to race my dad to the emergency room because he had this awful bloody nose that wouldn't go away. He dripped blood all over everything, and as his reward, the people in the emergency room tortured him by sticking this long, rectangular thing up his nose and inflating it. It hurt so bad that he went in to shock and they had to lay him down. Then they decided to take it out and put a smaller one in. The only good part was that they put cocaine in his nose to help numb it. He is sad because it means he can't compete in the Olympics this year. I helped him out to the car and then went back into the hospital to say hi to my mom.
So I managed to mostly finish my homework, but I haven't done any job searching, any outlining, or any review of the stuff I missed from before. On the bright side though, it isn't really a big deal that I don't have any job interviews lined up since I have nothing to wear to them.
Hey we never said you lost the contest for worst weekend. I slept for like 50 hours in the past three days - I think I get the best weekend award.
yeah and i caught up on all my work! my weekend wasn't that bad either...other than rat pee
"Not that bad" ?!?! I spent an hour and 15 making you curry so tender the potatoes melted in your mouth! That is fan-fucking-delicious!
...though I did abandon you for hours and hours on end, and you got terribly bored. That is sad.
yes and a rat peed on me...which i will never ever forget
but the dinner was enough to trigger my o face ;)
haha mira...look what you started! if you are going to post tantalizing things on your blog, you should at least join in the friendly banter!
well she probably didn't stay up all night, like we did :-)
Perhaps we have all forgotten that my potential employers will be looking for my blog before they risk hiring me.
Ooooooooo yah. We forgot.
Outfit I bought at Target? Hmmm. I cannot recall, but I certainly need to find something, and soon.
I gieve my suitless state.
I think it's time for a Naked Lawyering motion. You lead the way, naked lawyers will follow :P
You are a genius!
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