Sunday, May 06, 2007


Sometimes I check my blog just like I check everyong else's, like I am expecting it to be updated with something new even though I never put anything here. I'd say I am not all there these days. And apparently Manky's blog has spread school wide, and I used to be a link, so I suspect I have a reputation as the boringest person ever. Now who will vote for me when I run for state senate?! Sad.

Anyway, I've survived Bus Ass and Education law finals so far. Just two more to go, but the ever horrifying Con law is one of them, so wish me luck.

PS: the dog is going crazy. The neighbor kids broke my bedroom window with their basketball. ^&%^%$^&@ basketball! Ruins every nap and now things are broken too! Oh, and Stephanie and I are moving again. Dad agreed to throw in some more for rent so we don't have creepy people on our porch at 3:00 am. Thank god for dogs. I also have a crush on Mike from the dog park and am trying to be positive. Stephanie is trying to coach me, but her affirmations use slang I am unfamiliar with so I keep forgetting them. I am supposed to say something like, "Damn, that's tasty! I want a piece of me..." or something like that, only funnier and potentially hotter. For know I'll stick with "I am.....SOMEBODY! I am....SOMEBODY!"

Say it with me! I am....SOMEBODY!


Lilly K. said...

haha YES! every time you leave the house, you must look in the mirror and repeat that the very least, say "damn. I look good. I am one sexy woman."

Men are like dogs because the energy you project is what they get. So when you want them to view you as sexy, you have to think that yourself. Calm and assertive...and sexy. yeah!

Anonymous said...

Please use the complete affirmation from Brother Jesse:

I am: Somebody.
I am: Somebody.
Up with Hope;
Down with Dope.
I am: Somebody.
It's your Attitude,
That Determines your Altitude,
And You Have to Have an Attitude,
An Attitude of Gratitude.
I am: Somebody.
I am: Somebody.

Anonymous said...

Alternately, you could use an alternate affirmation:

I cast my bread on the waters long ago. Now it's time for you to send it back to me - toasted and buttered on both sides

Anonymous said...

And since we are on a Jesse Jackson jag, how about a completely unrelated quote:

Capital punishment turns the state into a murderer. But imprisonment turns the state into a gay dungeon-master.