Thursday, November 09, 2006


I have an interneship for Spring!!! This means I am about to have legal experience and will be more employable in the future. It also means that I am not always a horrible interviewee, or at least, my resume is able to overcome my weaknesses. Yeah! And Stephanie has been having a good two days as well, but you'll have to go to her blog to find out why, even though she hasn't written it there yet. She did just get electrocuted while trying to plug in her computer...but other than that...tons of good stuff going on!

So happy day for us! Now all we need is to get our place off campus.


Lilly K. said...

really. i mean. that was god saying dont get too comfy in you cushy life now. ZAAAAP!
Seriously people, electrocution by desk really really hurts!

(who wants to kiss it better?!)

Levi's Fan said...

oh, and her link is