So, I did the worst thing to myself that a law student could do. I failed to back up my data and then set a refrigerator magnet on my computer, thereby murdering my hard drive and erasing all my data. All my notes, all my songs, the only only outline I had started, all gone. Dead. Finito. Kaput. El dia de los muertos computadoras. Estoy muy, muy triste. Ay caramba! Que lastima! Muy mal.
The moral of this story is: don't gamble on your hardrive, and don't stick refrigerator magnets on it either.
i'm very sad about your hardrive but i have notes for you in Wills and Biz Ass...
AND i have to say...i LOVE the plate thing in the picture for this post!
it's a gambling chip, i think. Thus the moral about gambling. I love that little bunny. Or wait...is it a duck?
clearly i'm a good girl and don't know much about these vices such as gambling.
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