So far this summer I have met with a criminal defense attorney, a superior court judge from Santa Clara County, A partner from a large law firm, and a deputy DA. Each meeting has caused me to reconsider my career path, and I think I have come to the realization that I don't want to go into politics anymore. Yes, I know, this seems odd, but I just can't live in Sacramento for years and years, and I don't want to move all the way to DC. I love the Bay Area. The people here are reasonable and moderate. The weather is perfect. I am an hour from the beach, Gurudev, my parents, and some of my best friends all live here. Furthermore, I just get too into political things. My mind gets all agitated and stressed, and everything feels so monumentally important. I need a job that is less absorbing than that. I think I want to go to work for a firm for a few years, and if I feel the need to move on I can become a deputy DA. Those in Santa Clara County are the best paid in the state, they only work 40 hours a weeks when not in trial, and they are civil servant, so that can't be fired just because a new DA is elected. It's perfect really.
Last week I decided to sell Ce Ce, the little Peruvian Paso that we got for my mom but no one rides. I have been out at the barn everyday since, grooming, lunging, etc. and I feel so happy. I don't spend all day on the couch, and subsequently eat a lot less. This caused me to start thinking about getting a horse I could do some dressage on while in law school. I was thinking quarter horse or haflinger, and then Lisa said I should get a haflinger and she knew one that is for sale. So, last Thursday I road a horse for the first time since I don't know when, and it was soooooooo nice. My whole body was tired for the rest of the day, and my shoulders and thighs were killing me the next day, but I have spent every moment since then thinking about whether I could pull it off and still do law school. I miss riding so much, and even thought it hurts, I am getting worse just from all the sitting I do in law school. So why not hurt and get to ride instead? My mother has decided it is a good idea for my mental health and so she has started to work on dad. I am out of it now, and just trying to get everything done before I head out for England on the 17th.

On Friday I went to the sprint car races for the first time in years. It was dusty and loud and so fun to be there again. Rick, and old friend of sorts happened to sit one row behind me, so we chatted for a bit. Then Lisa and I cursed BK, our favorite driver, she wanted someone to flip, and I wanted them to flip over the wall, and then BK did. I try and rationalize it as his karma for steering into the guy who made BK get a false start. Bad, BK, bad. At any rate, it was a very exciting flip, and BK was OK, and he has another car, so I think it all worked out in the end.

Raven tried to kill Daisy the other day, and Phoebe got involved, and Bailey was barking them on. I pried all the dogs off and they went along for about 200 more feet, but Daisy continued to bite a raven's ankles, and so the fight renewed. It was awful. Again, I pried them off, handed crazy Phoebe off to my dad, and took Raven to get a leash. We've decided that Daisy officially needs another home. She is so great, but she is also absolutely fixated on Raven. She has had two years to adjust, but things are as violent as ever. She could hardly walk that night, poor thing. So the search is on for a family with no other dogs, so that Daisy can be happy and Raven can have some peace.
Oh Daisy! If only i had my own apartment, I would totally take her!!
pony! I used to groom and muck for my sister - I mean, for the horses my sister was taking care of, when seester was sick
*sigh* i miss riding too...but i don't think i'm going to get a pony now since my parents have never been able to afford one before...
I rode him again today. He's so cute. His name is Amadeus, but I plan to call himm Wolfy, like Amadeus' wife did in the movie. Plus, he sort of bites like a wolf, so it works.
Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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