It's morning on our 6th day here and we're about to go have a lovely English Breakfast at Richoux's. The rest of the day looks hazy, except for a stop at Boots (like Long's or Wallgreens) to get me a hair dryer and curling iron.
Yesterday Mom and I didn't really get out the hotel util 2:00. Clearly we lack motivation when Dad is not here to drive us. We then went to a Jewelry store where we wasted a great deal of time before going to two more to waste the rest of it. We met Dad at 5:30 (did I mention he had to work yesterday?) and headed off to have dinner at Covent Gardens before our scary little play, The Woman in Black. It was scary, especially because the theatre was filled with teenagers who all screamed at the top of heir lungs (bos too) after anything scary happened. It was...shall we say...exhilerating.
On Wednesday we ent to see Hampton Court, built by Cardinal Woolsey who then had to give it Henry VIII because it was fancier than his place. Oops. Henry did qite a bit to make it even grander. Later, William and Mary moved in and added a new wing and some other modifications. All of this contributed to making it the biggest damn place you've even seen. The gardens were beautiful, but I was pooped by the time we got inside. I walked the queen's chambers, but at the king's out. What a party pooper I am. I blame the shoes.
Later we had dinner at an Italianrestaurant where one guy had the job of serving up briscetta with the bread by wheeling his little cart over and carving the meet right off this large, extended pig's leg that seemed to point the way for him. I was seriously disturbed, but remained quiet because I knew mom would demand we leave if she saw it, and fortunately, she had her back to it all night. It was NASTY! Stephanie, you would have fainted for sure.
I haven't downloaded everything yet, but here are some pictures to entertain you.

pig's leg story BAAD
Oh, and the next day there was the black pudding that came with my mom's pork chop. It turned out to be made with rice and blood. What the hell is wrong with these people?!
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