Today I went to get a sandwich for dinner down the road, only 200-300 feet down the road actually, but that was far enough. One my way out, the same Indian looking guy that I passed on the way there stopped me and asked me to help him fill out a job application because his English isn't very good. He was about 5 feet tall, and looked sort of nervous, so I didn't know to be afraid. I said OK, but then we couldn't go back to the place I bought my sandwhich because he had applied there too. He suggested a park, which admittedly should have stopped me, but no, I thought I could take him if he tried anything so I said OK. We ended up in the back area of one of the colleges on this bench, and I did my best to help him, but I didn't really understand what he wanted me to do, and he couldn't really spell in English either, and he kept screwing up on the form, in pen, so I took the paper, filled it out, and told him he'd need to get another copy because he had mispelled Starbucks, among other things.
THEN, he got all weird and wanted to date me, and it took me about 20 minutes to shake him lose. He wanted to call me, or come over and "hold me". NO JOKE! He was 22, but it was OK that I was 28, he said. He could come visit me in America and I could visit in Austria. Did I mention that he lives in Austria? Guess I can't ever go there now, because with my luck I would definately run into him. I told him I wouldn't promise that I would email him, but I would try, and he really, REALLY wanted me to promise, and he wanted to know exactly when I was going to email him. And he wanted to meet at the same scary bench tomorrow at 8. People were staring as he tried to get me to commit to anything at all on the corner, and I thought that this was probably not helping their view of Bangledeshians. He said the English are racist. I think they might just have better intuition than me. Seriously. Any guy I meet is either taken, uninterested, or a stalker.
On to better subjects. I have decided that my tutorial instructor has given myself and Jon more to read than anyone else's professors. I can't even believe how much crap I have to do so I can write my 4000 word essay for Tuesday and the start all over again for my essay due on Friday. Vacation? What Vacation? I was also a bit, what would you call it, chatty today in class. I kept rasing my hand, admittedly because no one else had anything to say, but I am pretty sure all the Florida State people think I am a total freak. But I figure since I am taking two versions of the same class, I have an advantage, and they're all frustrated by the work load and not getting their reading done. One girl, Marina, told me she was relieved that someone had something to say, and she just hid in her book. I like Marina. But seriously, I'll be quieter on Monday.
Last night I went to the sherry party and then dinner withe SCU. There were large periods of time where I just sood there by myself holding my glass of sherry, but people did eventually take pity on me and come to talk. I spent a lot of time talking to this guy Mark. He goes to law school in New Hampshire, spent years in the military, is a Republican, and is dating a professor at his school. We actually found quite a bit to talk about, so I was happy to have a friend. Then at dinner I met James (the cute one), Robert, who is one of those guys who is going to be a married politician with 3 kids before he figures out he is gay, and Ben, who today became my second crush for the trip. He says he always wants to be poor so he never becomes a Republican. He absolutely loves the kabob truck here, but wants his first restaurant experience to be at Aziz's, supposedly the best Indian restaurant here. He's eaten dog (we think, but he might have been kidding), tongue of cow, black pudding, and drank alcohol with cobra blood in it and a cobra in the bottle. Oddly, all of this just made him seem interesting rather than scary and carnivorous.
Today we all went to the pub to watch the footbal game, and I mostly went because I couldn't do any more work until I took a break, and because I knew James would be there. Never really saw James, but I spent a long time talking to Mark (republican guy) and this girl Jasmine who strck up a conversation with us. I like Jasmine. She isn't at all like the other blonds in the program. On the way back I was about 50 feet behind the "popular group" and then suddenly Ben was there and he was waving for me to catch up. So cute. He talked to me about how good the Mexican food is from Taco trucks. He really likes food. I told him I didn't think I had ever seen a taco truck, so he told me where two are near SCU. I thought about that case in North Carolina, but I decided not to share. He has dated two vegans, which he thinks helps make up for his meat eating ways, and a Mexican girl for 4 years, which is why he thinks American Mexican food is not so great (except of course from the taco trucks). Later, I was taking pictures of the building when he walked out with Josh, and he asked if I had had dinner yet. Unfortunately, I had, which is how I met the stalker, so I didn't get to go to dinner with Ben and Josh. *sigh* So I have decided that Ben is kinda cool, and he's cute and adventurous, albeit most notably with his food choices, but I have decided I must get to know him better.

And that was my day. Oh, and I still sort of stare when the guy who told me all about Oxford walks buy. He's a cute, scrawny English guy, and he is definately cute. Clearly, my body thinks it's Spring, because I am all twiterpated.