Perhaps I am drinking too much. I'm no lush, mind you, but even at one drinking fest every 2 weeks or so I am drinking more than I have in my whole life. I seem to end up in odd situations, but then I leave and nothing bad comes of it. Collin is sort of making me crazy, but I think I like it. At the very least, my stress level is low. I might fail out, but I'll be relaxed as I do it. Stephanie thinks Collin is making me too crazy and we shouldn't hang out with him anymore. I say, that will come on it's own soon enough, so why not enjoy being a little crazy? She's just jealous because she's never seen James Bond and so she couldn't participate in our conversation. I say, welcome to my world Baby!

If Stephanie drops out I am doomed. I will have no one to hang out with, or to study with, or to give me notes when I miss class, or to drive me around for 2 weeks when my tire is flat, or to push me into awkward situations with boys and then haul me back out. So I guess I'll just have to make sure she does well on her exams so she isn't tempted to ditch me.
well if i drop out i'll still advise you from your blog at least...
all i was saying about collin was that you are obsessing over what his actions mean to the point that you might not be able to focus on classes...
No, class is my distraction from him actually. I am merely vocalizing the analytical processes that are consantly occurring in my mind, although not always about Collin. It's a busy place in my head.
Very interesting happenings. Loved the story about the skirt. I must say I was quite shocked that you actually wore a knee length skirt. Your law school friends must have much more power over you than I ever did. I am sure you looked great in it... even with you rear end hanging out!
By the way, what email address are you using these days? Email me so I know how to track you down via the internet.
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