I am listening to Brad Paisley right now. Love him. And avoiding work. I need to finish my outlines, but it's rough. I lack motivation. I need my car so I can go to Starbucks to study. I need my cats to pet. I need my clothes to miraculously put themselves away. And I need the sun to come back out so I can study in the quad, all by myself, because Manky and Devo have abandoned me for Brian and Bismark, respectively. Sad.
"I feel like it's raining you..."
I didn't abandon you - we just have to recognize that your study habits won't work for me...
who is this a picture of?
Brad Paisley
actually I was asleep
OMG!!!!! I love Brad Paisley! I was a fan club member back when one could afford to be a member!!!!
Raining You gets me every time.
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