I raised my hand in all three classes today. My new goal is to talk once in each class, each week so that I get the participation points. You'd think that, since I rarely shut up, this wouldn't be a big deal, but somehow I have gotten more afraid to speak in class over time. I think it's the way Cappy says, "NO," with such finality when people say the wrong thing. Or maybe it's because the transfer of land is totally confusing and I have nothing to add other than, "Huh?"
Also, I feel sorely defeated now that I see Jordan was right. I think I'm gonna stick with posting picture of hot men. Even though Stephanie and I rarely agree on what's hot and what's not, I feel confident that most of you will see things my way. (Sorry Stephanie)
My taste:

Stephanie's taste:(he's a rock star)

Some other cute boys my parents saw in Santa Cruz.
um..you totally put a really bad picture of him on there...he is way cuter..you should have put up one of his pictures from when he was 30 ish...
who are those ugly guys next to orlando bloom?
yea, um, that rocker gets no points at all
ok..but when you hear the story of how cute he acted when i saw him at his show, then he gets bonus points..i promise!
CRACK ADDICT. I don't understand how we are continually able to get beyond that fact, and even discuss his looks. C R A C K A D D I C T !
Kissed me on the cheek! I can overlook the crack addict bit! besides, he will go into rehab if we get married! geesh!
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