By far the best moment of the Miss America Pagent last night was when Miss Alabama, when asked what her favorite smell was, said that because of all of the preparation for the swim suit competition, anything edible, a cup cake, cake, an ice cream sundae would be real good right now. Note, they didn't even ask her about food. She could have said coconut oil, or fresia flowers in the spring, or baby powder. I find I am much less resentful of their unnatural beauty and anorexic thinness when I know how much they have suffered to maintain it. But alas, Miss Alabama did not win.
Also amusing is that the pageant gives away nearly $45 million in scholarship money every year. Stephanie feels it is rediculously unfair to help educate people who are perfectly able to get through life on their good looks. I am tempted to agree, but I also wonder if we met a few of them and they could actually complete coherant sentances, might we be a bit less resentful of their beauty? No, you're right. We'd still want to sit on them and crush their scrawny little bones.
No joke. This is one of the pictures that popped up on Google when I typed in Miss Alabama.
1 comment:
right. it just isnt fair to be gorgeous, talented (at least somewhat in order to compete in the talent portion), in college and now we ar giving them money? GRR. us average looking people have to suffer to make ends meet but lets shower gifts and money on pretty people...(yeah, i'm bitter)
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