I have been informed that my blog is boring and sad, so I am here to do better. Since I have not updated in so long, I am going ton do a "Stephanie summary".
Since October I have studied (read, briefed, typed notes, outlined, memorized outlines, listened in class, volunteered, and generally just packed my head full of law crap). By midterms in December my brain had filled up and I started having to throw out old files. The only thing that was allowed to stay was law. I raised my hand in class only to end up saying exactly what the professor had just said, as if I were a genius and had thought it up all by myself. I regularly called Stephanie instead of my parents, and then became very confused when my mom didn't answer the phone. Twice I even called her when she was standing right next to me! It was all I could do to hold on to the law.
To relieve stress we traveled to Lake Tahoe for the day (fabulous!), and after watching Elizabethtown we decided to take a road trip to anywhere we could get in a day (we chose Eureka) and then came back the next day, for a round trip of 600 miles. (Ouch. My butt!) Stephanie and I went to see my parents over Thanksgiving, but when we got back to school to begin studying for our exams, I discovered that Stephanie no longer cared about studying for law school exams. None-the-less, we perservered, although not as admirably as we might have, and in the end we did OK anyway. No short bus for us!

Now we're back and studying hard. My brain has actually sorted through all the data of last semester and made room for more. Stephanie is back to getting everything done faster than me, and our friend Jesse, who slept through most of our adventures last semester, is back to sleeping through this one. We miss you Jesse! Wake up! Or go to sleep or something. I'm confused.
Also, Stephanie and I bought two guinea pigs (Lucy and Zehmer) who she is allergic to so now we have to sell them. Jesse bought a fish named Rex. He's very cute and friendly, significantly more so than the guinea pigs actually, and he made the trip to New Hampshire and back in a nalgene bottle, so I dare say he's a hardy little bugger. Stephanie got a bunny from my mom, who we named Bismark even though she's a girl. "Who's the capital of North Dakota? You are, baby! You are!" (Long story, really).

I'd like to end with some movie reviews.
Wallace and Gromit *** (You have to get English humor, but it was quite clever, or should I say punny?)
Elizabethtown *** (Quirky but fun. Love Bloom! Good chemistry and good inspiration for an impromtu road trip.)
Just Friends * (umm. It was free.)
Your, Mine and Ours * (Also free.)
Pride & Prejudice *** (Lovely and unique adaptation of the Jane Austin classic you thought no one had the nerve to re-make again. It was worth the price of admission...twice.)
Walk the Line **** (Loved it! Great acting, great music, great story!)

Harry Potter *** (I think it just has to get 3 stars, even if it was dark and weird. I don't think I am in J.K. Rowling's target audience actually.)
The Lion, the Witch, and the Woredrobe ** (It wasn't Lord of the Rings, that's for sure, but the little red-head was adoreable. I love red-heads. Repeat after me: "Ice Queen bad!")
King Kong **** (Very empathetic portrayal of a super-sized primate. I bet the soil on that island is just filled with growth hormones!)
Capote *** (Fascinating, but much more so if you read "In Cold Blood" beforehand. Repeat after me: "The death penalty is bad.")
This weekend: Brokeback Mountain. Alright. You're all caught up.