My roommate is very opposed to Christmas. OK, she's not actually opposed the the Holiday, just the fact that people want to celebrate it for more than 2 days a year, in other ways besides seeing an annual performance of the Nutcracker ballet and watching Rudolf's Christmas Story on TV. She growls when she hears Christmas music at the mall, scoffs at trees decorated with nontraditional items, and mumbles under her breath if she sees a tree lot open before Thanksgiving...the weekend before. "Who buys a tree now!?" she wants to know. "Most people put them up around Thanksgiving," I say. She stares at me with a mixture of incredulity and contempt for "those" people. Then she is silent. he HATES mall crowds doing their Christmas shopping. Bah Humbug!

We bought a little tinsel tree for our place a few weeks ago, mind you, and this didn't really strike her as premature, I suppose because it's not biodegradeable. She wanted it, and was the first to ask if we were getting one this year...back in October, so it's not like she wasn't thinking about Christmas, but quite frankly, I am afraid to bring the tree out of the garage before Christmas Eve. I might be killed. I am also terrified of playing Christmas music, something I normally do from the day after Thanksgiving until the end of Winter Break in January. I heart Christmas...so much so that by mid October I'm getting excited because I associate everything Fall with impending Christmas. The cold air, the rustling of leaves, cool, clear mornings, Halloween and Turkey Day, A Christmas Carol on TV...they're all just preludes to the BIG ONE! It's prime time HGTV watching time for me as they have specials on cool gift ideas and specials on the best decorated houses inside and out. In fact, Christmas day may be my LEAST favorite day of the Christmas holiday because it becomes unavoidably obvious that it's all about to end. The Music, the lights, eggnog lattes, gone. My shoulders droop at the very thought. I've never had a particularly great New Years, so Christmas is the end for me. Then I'm just cold and wet for 3-4 more months, wishing Daylight Savings Time would start and summer would come.

My roommate hates Daylight Savings Time too, but that's another story.

wow. where do i begin? you really make me seem insane...first off, i was wondering why people would by a tree now because thanksgiving is earlier this year than previous years so this tree has to survive for 6 weeks without roots...and i enjoy christmas but 3 months of carols is a bit much (especially since they are the same carols as like a 100 years ago because no one can make new ones...and when they do they are sad ass songs about little kids who can't afford tennis shoes for their mom...yeah...)
also trees should at least look pretty. i don't scoff at non-traditional items on trees. (for instance, thongs are ok and aluminum trees are ok)...i just want them to be pleasing to look at. some things scream i've got a lot of money but no sense of visual beauty...
and even you said that the little kid dressed in a mrs. klaus outfit at the mall was a bit much before thanksgiving
and i hate crowds every time of year. it is worse when i have to compete with them for gifts...normally shopping is frivolous, not for necessary items...but at CHRISTMAS time...you HAVE to buy items or look like a dick on christmas day (i mean, i'd be pretty pathetic if i showed up with no presents and was like, "yeah, about that, i couldn't find anything that really screamed you so i'm going to keep looking and eventually you will get a gift"
and maybe i'd be more excited for christmas if i actually DID get to see the nutcracker
this blog is stressing me out
That red shoes song makes me cry every year, damn it. It caught me off guard the first time, but I am slowly building up my immunity to it.
How do you get three months of caroling but only 6 weeks of a Christmas tree if they both start a week before Thanksgiving?
and as for that 4th post, I say that to at least one person every year! THANKS A LOT for calling me pathetic!!!!
I got my first "happy holidays" this year on Nov. 3. NOVEMBER 3! PEOPLE! COME ON!
AND i'm the one who likes Daylight Savings time...as an early riser I really get to enjoy the effect of daylight at 6am
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