Monday, December 11, 2006

Ay yay yay!

So, the fax of the rental agreement didn't get faxed right last week, and now that dad has it all filled out, the notary lady who is always there in her office has disappeared and he is waiting for her to return so he can get the damn thing notarized and mailed so it can get to Faith, our odd but less irritating the more I talk to her agent by tomorrow, so we can go pick up our keys before tomorrow's final, so we can put together furniture, potentially in the dark, because I tried to get the electricity on via the internet which seems destined for failure. I also have to go to the bank and get a certified check for the rent. Oh, and I just spent 50 minutes, i kid you not, with SBC ATT guy to get my phone switched and DSL stuff sent to my parent's house, and then cross my fingers that the house actually has enough phone jacks and good faith to run wireless for PC's and Mac's at a reasonable speed. If everything actually happens on time the way it is supposed to, I'll be stunned. Now, I am off to finish cramming Constitutional law into my ever shrinking brain, and to plug in the battery pack for the cordless drill so it is ready to assemble our furniture tomorrow night, potentiall in the dark.

I bet you're jealous.

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