So, my mentor heard I was feeling down and out, demoralized, incapable, and unemployable. She called to remind me that I can get a job, I will get a job, that even people who didn't get hired until a year after they graduated ended up happy. She gave a me a daily affirmation and made me repeat it several times. It helped. And she told me not to let the turkeys get me down. You know, those people who run around chattering about their latest interviews, their new jobs, how their papers are already finished, and then stare at you with a mixture of pitty and disbelief when you say you haven't even had an interview yet OR finished reading the sources for your paper. So gang, DON'T LET THE TURKEYS GET YOU DOWN!!!
damn. i wish i had a mentor. grrr!
I have not finished my paper and I haven't gotten a job yet - probably because I haven't interviewed yet - does that make me more like a chicken?
i haven't interviewed either or gotten a job and i don't have a writing sample or a resume
and i wanted to apply for the state department job but the deadline is nov. 1. haha.
but we're all going to be fine, no matter what. that was th take home message.
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