Sunday, October 29, 2006


Cielito has a new mommy as of last night. Hurray! And Lisa and I can both breathe and sigh of relief that it's over, and I think we did a good job.

Friday, October 27, 2006

But I don't want a C!

I'm doing pretty crappy in Appellate and International Advocacy this semester, and I have no one to blame but myself. I hate that! I really don't want a C!!!! (whiney tantrum) I don't hold such high expectations for myself grade wise, I never have. But C's are damaging to my self-esteem, especially when I know it was my own screw-up that caused it. Not feeling ao good about being gone all weekend when I need at least a 75 on this paper. Did I mention I haven't started? Did I mntion I want to cry? I feel just like I'm a kid again, and I want my mommy!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Is it just me, or...

Apparently our president has approved a 700 mile fence for the boarder. It might be a good idea, but I can't seriously believe we're gonna find out that immigrants have been sucking us dry and using us for fre health insurance and taxes. Really, I imagine that we will learn just how many taxes they've been paying, and how cheap they've been making out food, and that they more than make up for what they cost us in education and medical care, which, quirte frankly, they've earned. Grr. But all of this is really just an excuse to show the picture that accompanied the artical that told me this, because it made me laugh...out loud.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Don't Let the Turkeys Get You Down!

So, my mentor heard I was feeling down and out, demoralized, incapable, and unemployable. She called to remind me that I can get a job, I will get a job, that even people who didn't get hired until a year after they graduated ended up happy. She gave a me a daily affirmation and made me repeat it several times. It helped. And she told me not to let the turkeys get me down. You know, those people who run around chattering about their latest interviews, their new jobs, how their papers are already finished, and then stare at you with a mixture of pitty and disbelief when you say you haven't even had an interview yet OR finished reading the sources for your paper. So gang, DON'T LET THE TURKEYS GET YOU DOWN!!!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Ironic: characterized by often poignant difference or incongruity between what is expected and what actually is.

My mentee just e-mailed me to remind me to come to the meeting with his study group today. This is the mentee who didn't answer my first email, failed to show up at our first appointment, showed up at our second appt. only to say he couldn't stay, and then took 3 weeks to answer my next email to make this appointment. Hmm.

Monday, October 16, 2006


Hurray! The fam and Stephanie and I are going to Kona over break! Of course, they had their biggest earthquake in 20 years yesterday, but we're hoping that means reduced rates. And who really needs roads to drive on anyway? Now I have something to look forward to as a slog my way through the rest of the semester.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

I Suck

People are disappointed with me because I have stopped blogging. I am now sitting here listening tot he most capable guy on earth, and he's only been out of law school for 3 years. I'd hire him. I bet he interviews really well, and doesn't even tell people they aren't good enough to get a job in Santa Clara County. Yes, I did that, but at least it was a mock interview. I need more experience. I get all nervous and turn into a quivering 12 year old. Not good. So he's making me feel even less adequate. I am starting to think that's what law school is about. Overcoming that feeling of adequacy that we start with. Actually, i think i'd marry this guy. He's adorable. Alas, already married, and far too capable for me. Why are law students so damn capable?!

So anyway, I'm not dead, I've just lost the will to blog. I am struggling to get to where I was at this time last year. I need a job. I need another reference so I can stop torturing Mike. He probably hate sme at this point. Oh well.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I don't know if you can have a resolution on a Tuesday, or if it is desined to failure for lack of timing, but if it counts for anything, I had this resolution yesterday but couldn't post it because my computer only lets me on the internet every other day now...apparently.

Anyway, I hearby resolve to get all this week'shomework done before class, and to get my paper done by Friday at 10:30, and to go to all my Con Law classes from here on out. I also resolve to outline for one more class this week. I resolve to stop being little-miss-fix-it for a few days, and confine my good acts to making sure Stephanie doesn't starve to death or die of lonliness, although I'm sure she's say it's better that way. What all this means is that this is all I have time to write, and that's really fine because nothing interesting has been going on. We're all just nuts and busy and behind and confused, wishing it were Christmas break right now, wondering why we ever came to law school. Ugh.