Wednesday, August 02, 2006
My screenless room is not such a good place for arachnaphobics lately. I see them crawlng around the window, sometines inside on the sill, but we are all peace with each other. Then two nights ago I was talking to Lisa and felt something on my foot. I looked and a spider had just jumped off me onto the carpet. The phone doesn't reach very far and I didn't have any container to help me relocate it, so I just chased it until it was heading far away from me. It climbed the wall. It walked across the ceiling, and there it has been in one place or another for the past two days, until today, that is. I was about to dry my hair and stood up to get something, and there just an inch or two from my face was Charlotte, rapelling down from the ceiling. I lept out the way and then chased her to the ceiling again, and kept a close eye on her as I dried my hair.
Another spider rapelled down from the window and I had to chase it away too. Then, as I finished I looked up and she was gone. Totally. Vanished. Not on the ceiling, which means she must have made a dash for the floor...or my hair. There was much shaking out of my hair after much blowing with the dryer to make sure she wasn't there. I don't know where she went, but she blends in well on the carpet, so she is probably just biding her time until tonight when she can come from me. She's small though. I think I can take her.

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when i moved into my silveracre apartment i had a spider invasion - they were poisonous tho so I put out spider-paper and trapped them all
i had rings of it around my bed, and all across the bathroom threshold
maybe we should mail you some
home much longer are you in the Empire State?
yeah what is UP with the screen-free continent?
I get that the windows are 500 years old, but haven't they heard of retrofitting? I, for one, would still think the place looked cool.
I go to London tomorrow and leave for home Sunday. I CANNOT WAIT!!!
yay! yay for home! ill be in sac on saturday...weird story to tell you all about someone who called me and wants to get together to catch up and tell stories about our summers...
and i don't approve of killing but i don't really care anymore because so many things i liked died so kill bugs all you want. in fact, come into my place and kill those bugs too!
didn't you Raid all those ants, in your bed?
I will also be home late saturday night - like 1 am on saturday, and i might sleep in blackacre because i am scared of my old apt - i think i left something in the fridge....
tear. my manky is growing up and getting a big girl apartment. i'm left to slum it alone. who will protect me when i have to wander home alone..across the street by murder park to my apartment whith no locks and an ant infestation and broken dresser .... (whimper)
Manky's the man in this relationship, so she has to walk you home. Pretty sure.
Was it Collin or Rebecca?
was what collin or rebecca?
The person who called and wanted to share summer gossip.
you doan have to walk home baby - you can sleep over - I have two rooms and two beds... and when my loans come in and I can fix my cancer, my car, my computer, and my tv, I can also drive you home at night :-)
alternatively, there's always prostitution
i'm thinkin prostitution is going to be my path. i mean, how am i supposed to be a do-gooder AND pay off 150,000 in debt? it is impossible. And if i worked the corner, my pimp could keep the drug dealers and assassins away from me...
mrs. buble, when are you coming back to campus, so that I can move Manky's car out of your spot?
Also, we could go out to Chipotles and you can tell me about your summer
manky, when should I pick you up from the airport on Sat? I'll be in Sac on Sat.
thanks brian, but I already have two rides back from the airport :-)
brian, as one of manky's rides, maybe you better stick around because i'll have just driven from salt lake city
Doesn't Manky have the clicker? I don't think I do, but I have no idea anymore, really. I'll be there on Wednesday though, so I'll call when I am approaching town.
brian has the clicker - - brian can you park my car in the silveracre parking lot and lock the clicker inside the car - I want to use it when I'm moving in on sunday/monday
At least my clicker gets around.
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