Today was the celebration of my birthday for real, because we no longer had tons of work hangig over us and so we could laugh and have fun. My parents came down Friday night and we had dinner and laughed and talked about the dramas and tramas of trying to get into law review. We saw the 4 minutes of fire works the state fair puts on at night; literally 4, I'm not making this up. After they dropped me off for the night I watched TV for 2 hours because I was so excited that I had time to.
I was a little bitter when morning came, but seeing as how my parents got woken up by the hotel fire alarm when one of the employees burnt toast, I really had a pleasant wake up experience. I went and met them at the hotel, and we had a nice breakfast, then bought Stephanie a vegan brownie and vegan carrot muffin so she could enjoy dessert with us later at dinner. We picked her up and began wandering about, grabbbing for-sale flyers from homes in the cute neighborhood. Then we went to the park to see the birds, but we found this one duck with fishing line around its leg, and the leg was really swollen and cut where the line was, and the bird couls hardly walk, and clearly did feel good. Stephanie sacrificed some of her muffin to lure it closer, and mom and I tried hard to catch it, but it flew away and wouldn't come back, so we had to let it go. Sooooo sad.
Next, I showed them where I will be keeping my horse, and then we wandered about the countryside, until dad stopped for gas and Stephanie and I raided the huge AM/PM Mini Mart. We had a blast, and with some additional items from my dad, we spent 16 dollars. Two blocks later we stopped so I could check out the local tack store, and Stephanie and I decided we have to move out so we can take Daisy.
Eventually, we ended up in PetsMart on the other side of town, looking for a rat cage, but it was too big for the car, so we decided to buy Manky two mice instead. On the way home we tried to put them in their new cage, but discovered that they could fit right through the bars. Boy was that exciting! Then we laughed so hard we cried, and the phone rang, anf it was Manky who was mad becuase she thought we'd abandoned her even though she set the whole day aside for me, but really we just couldn't go get her because the car was full and we didn't want her to know my parents were here so she'd skip out on dinner. Sorry Manky! The mice turned into a nice apploogy though.
We had a great dinner at PF Changs, with a cute waiter, yummy drinks, and good conversation. My mom had an diet coke, two mixed drinks, hot green tea, and a glass of wine. When the waiter asked her how she was she said, "I'm drunk!" It was cute. Then my parents said goodbye (sad), and we headed off to trade vehicles to go back to the pet store before we made it to the movie. Manky saw her new children, and Stephanie bought a hamster named Pirate. She's the bestest hamster ever! I bought my cage, and Brian helped us carry all our stuff. It's good to have a boy around.
The movie, Little Miss Sunshine, was hysterical, and sad, and wacky, and fun, and just what I was in the mood for, but I think it scared Manky. I really did try to get us to the Illusionist, but apparently it hasn't been released in Sacramento yet.
Before bed I put Gato in her new home, which is three times as big as her old home, if I'm calculating the area correctly. She definately has room for a sister, so hopefull I'll go get her either today or tomorrow. Stephanie and I have started imagining what it will be l;ike to head hme for thanksgiving, us hauling Amadeus with Daisy, Di Di, Gato, Bismark, Pirate, and the new rat all piled into the car with us. We''ll be like an animal transport service.
So it was a great day that more than made up for my shitty week. Thanks everybody!!!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Friday, August 25, 2006
That was the worst paper writing experience of my life. That was like my first year of teaching, I don' know what I am doing, I can't get through this day, no matter what I do this isn't coming out well, sort of day. You know how sometimes, even when things don't go as well as you'd like, you can at least say you did your best? Well, I can't say that right now. That wasn't my best. That was bad. Bad, procrastinating Mira. All I can say is that at least I didn't quit, becuase I really, really, really wanted to give up all day long. And now I've missed two classes, one of which I was supposed to be called on in, so now I have to make up the reading becuase she won't have finished it and I didn't get called on, so I'm bound to be first. The good news is, I only have a week to get some cover letters together so I can apply for a job I won't get. Hurray! I'm going to the pet store.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Not MY Boyfriend
Today in class I overheard this guy tell his friend he was leaving class early. His friend asked why. He said the fantasy football draft pick was at 2:15. I will never date smeone who leaves class early to draft his fanatsy football team. Nope. Uh-uh.
Expression of the Day
Apparently a Braid of Horribles is synonomous with a Slippery Slope. Who knew?
Clearly I need an IV drip of coffee because the two cups I have already drunk aren't working.
Clearly I need an IV drip of coffee because the two cups I have already drunk aren't working.
Sleepy Panic
Well, I did have a nice birthday, but now I've had about 5 hours of sleep, haven't finished any of my homework, and managed to spend a good 30 minutes this morning reading the wrong case from Crim Pro. I rock! I am in a coma and this lady is recapping Marbury v Madison, that we already spent 90 minutes on, and presumably aren't done with. Grrrr. But all this is to say, thatnks for the cool B-day. If it weren't for you guys, I'd be all depressed and bored, but instead I am happy and exhausted, better prepared to work after my nap this afternoon. I hope I have time for one.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Bad idea....right?
So I was standing outside of the security ofice ooking for parking permit slips because I lost mine, and I noticed the wall covered in apartment and home rental listings, and this really bad idea crossed my mind, only it seemed really good. There was this townhome thingy with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, it's own washer and dryer, and pets allowed, all for only $1250 a month. Suddenly I could see it. All of us living on 5th Ave with our cat(s) and Daisy dog, coking dinners and cracking up. It's double the size of Manky's and my apartments. True, we'd have to wiggle out of our leases, move all our shit, and redecorate, but we'd have a little family and cheap rent, plus pets and we'd still be close to campus.
Go ahead. Tell me it's a bad idea. I know. And I am sure it's already rented, but I just know...
Go ahead. Tell me it's a bad idea. I know. And I am sure it's already rented, but I just know...
Sunday, August 20, 2006
Long Time, No See!
I haven't posted in a while because I have been busy and haven't really had anything to say. I thought I should say hi........... Hi.
Saturday, August 05, 2006
So tonight, desperate for food, we wound up at this totally crazy restaurant. It was like Buca de Bippo on steroids. We should have known better than to eat there when the mummy with an erection greeted us at the door, but we ventured on. The waitresses, all three of them asian, had a lot of trouble understanding what the hell we wanted and we got many a puzzled stare. One had a permanently fowl expression on her face, and another smiled all the time but clearly had no idea what we were saying. When we asked for a box to take my chicken away in, they took it and then never came back. When the third Asian lady came up, we told her about the chicken, and she ended up giving us a whole new piece because the other had been thrown away. Shocking! At any rate, the high point of the experience was the bathroom, which I knew would be something else. Mostly it was colorful and gaudy, but above the sink was a wall paper strip of many pictures of satan having explicit sex with a naked woman. XXX. No joke. My dad had to take a trip to check it out, and even after I had prepped him he was still amazed. Clearly they all the Puritans did end up in America after all.
This photo, completely unrelated, came today from Sven, because I had forwarded him an article I found on Yahoo. He returned with this photo, amoung others. I think its like a marketing ploy, now that he's single. Of course, I already know he's hot, so it's sort of amusing. I'm not sure the picture does his face justice, but I don't think it was intended to be the focus anyway. Enjoy!

Friday, August 04, 2006
We're not in Oxford anymore, Toto
OMG. When I got in the shower this morning I was so surprised by all the water pressure and space, I thought I'd never get out. We saw Mary Poppins last night, and it was soooooo good. Then we had delicious Indian food, made by actual Indians no less. It was delightful. It would have been better if I could have tasted my rose flavored ice cream, but it just tasted like sugar-water because of my cold. Still, I am exstatic to be free of that place!!! More later. We're off to tea.
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
My screenless room is not such a good place for arachnaphobics lately. I see them crawlng around the window, sometines inside on the sill, but we are all peace with each other. Then two nights ago I was talking to Lisa and felt something on my foot. I looked and a spider had just jumped off me onto the carpet. The phone doesn't reach very far and I didn't have any container to help me relocate it, so I just chased it until it was heading far away from me. It climbed the wall. It walked across the ceiling, and there it has been in one place or another for the past two days, until today, that is. I was about to dry my hair and stood up to get something, and there just an inch or two from my face was Charlotte, rapelling down from the ceiling. I lept out the way and then chased her to the ceiling again, and kept a close eye on her as I dried my hair.
Another spider rapelled down from the window and I had to chase it away too. Then, as I finished I looked up and she was gone. Totally. Vanished. Not on the ceiling, which means she must have made a dash for the floor...or my hair. There was much shaking out of my hair after much blowing with the dryer to make sure she wasn't there. I don't know where she went, but she blends in well on the carpet, so she is probably just biding her time until tonight when she can come from me. She's small though. I think I can take her.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006
Gosh Dangit!
Last night when we went to our formal dnner I could tell something was wrong with m throat, but it was more scratchy than sore, and so I figured it was allergies...or somthing. Then I had a bunch on drinks and went out to a bar afterwards, drank some more, and then went to bed at 2. SCU drunks are crazy, by the way. When we left Lisa with two strange men she was having trouble focusing on anything and said goodbe to the ground instead of me. I looked at the two guys she was with in case I needed to draw a police sketch later and then left here there since I don't really know her and the other people seemed to imply this was pretty normal for her. Cool.
So this morning when I woke up my voice was GONE! Completely, and my throat hurt really bad, and it was all scratcgy and gross, and while alcohol never does it any good, it was clear something worse was going on. I took an airborne and went back to bed for 2 hours. I thought I might have had a hangover evn though I did the two advil and two glasses of water thing, or maybe I was just tired. I did feel better when I woke up, but I didnt much want to see anyone, so I read some more for my tutorial tomorrow, and then went to the library and photocopied the chart I needed so I woudn't do as shitt a job on this weeks paper as last week.
Then I took the longest way possible to the luggage store to buy a new carry on bag (sort of an accident), got a sandwich, and came home. I took another airborne and went to bed for another hour. Now, I have finished most of my reading and taken another airborne, but I definately feel like I have a fever, and I haven't even gotten to where I am ready to start my paper. I am supposed to pack tonight so I could go to London tomorrow night to see my mom, but now that I am sick I am thinking she is the last person I should be seeing. Grrrrr. And now I have to go sit in that stuffy office and here how my piece-of-crap, fever-written paper is all wrong before coming back here and hoping I at least get well fast enough to spend the day with my parents and go see our show on Thursday night.
So this morning when I woke up my voice was GONE! Completely, and my throat hurt really bad, and it was all scratcgy and gross, and while alcohol never does it any good, it was clear something worse was going on. I took an airborne and went back to bed for 2 hours. I thought I might have had a hangover evn though I did the two advil and two glasses of water thing, or maybe I was just tired. I did feel better when I woke up, but I didnt much want to see anyone, so I read some more for my tutorial tomorrow, and then went to the library and photocopied the chart I needed so I woudn't do as shitt a job on this weeks paper as last week.
Then I took the longest way possible to the luggage store to buy a new carry on bag (sort of an accident), got a sandwich, and came home. I took another airborne and went to bed for another hour. Now, I have finished most of my reading and taken another airborne, but I definately feel like I have a fever, and I haven't even gotten to where I am ready to start my paper. I am supposed to pack tonight so I could go to London tomorrow night to see my mom, but now that I am sick I am thinking she is the last person I should be seeing. Grrrrr. And now I have to go sit in that stuffy office and here how my piece-of-crap, fever-written paper is all wrong before coming back here and hoping I at least get well fast enough to spend the day with my parents and go see our show on Thursday night.
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