Do-do-do-doooooo! Announcing my new blog theme! Since I am only 3 weeks away from graduating, and 3.5 months into my personal makeover that I've told you nearly nothing about, I thought I would change the angle on my blog and journal to you instead of myself about my progress. I am a little neurotic and ADD about my makeover, so bear with me.
On January 6th I started my diet makeover, which continues on to this day. My roomie and I are both eating healthy, we make flax muffins, vegetable soup, and steel cut oats every week. We eat oranges and strawberries and salads chock full of vegetable so we won't get scurvy or other vitamin deficiencies. And I have basically eaten 1500 calories a day or less everyday (with a few exceptions).
Then in mid February I added in exercise, and lo and behold, my back is adapting! it makes me extremely happy. First it was just the elliptical trainer 3-4 times a week, then I started taking weekly bike rides at the river, and this week I started jogging. I bought beautiful running shoes that I LOVE, and took them for a spin today as I did my first bout of wind sprints to improve my fitness.

So far I have lost 20 pounds and two sizes. I have been in a bit of a slump over the past few weeks from the stress of school projects coming due, working two internships, but I've thrown the running in, and switched from counting Weight Watcher's points to counting calories. I just have to make it a few more weeks and them my Get Fit and Get Smart summer starts, when roomie and I will work out and study for the Bar all day every day. It's gonna be great.
My goal - 20 more pounds by the end of summer. Then re-assess. Kate is my role-model. I want to have a body just like hers...only mine.