Friday, June 22, 2007

Mara is tired

Mara is just biding her time until her summer school class ends so she can reclaim the 3.5 hours a day of free time she should have to do things like run errands, watch TV, and go to dinner. Mara isn't even doing Mira's homework because that's how full the day is, and Mara just doesn't have the will. Mara is pretty tired of walking Mira's crazy dog, too. He wakes her up every morning when the rest of the house wakes up....and then he launches through the house because he is so excited about getting to go to the park and hunt things. Mara is too tire for this. She would pay money to sleep until 8. One more week.

PS. If you're wondering why Mara is here instead of Mira, it's because it has been this busy since Mara got back from Europe, Mara the traveling drug mule, and she hasn't had time to hand Mira's life back over to her. Mara got more than she bargained for.