Thursday, February 08, 2007

Weird Day

This morning at 7:00 I awoke to the sound of this **^*@&M duck outside my window and I couldn't go back to sleep even though I'd only been in bed for 6 hours. I am so frickin' tired these days, and everyone makes me so crazy. I can't seem to go a day without getting irritated. Grrr.

I cut biz ass because I didn't get the homewok done because I am working on my paper for Monday, and went into work early so I could get their brief done by tomorrow. Unfortunately for me, there are actually no cases AT ALL that help the clients at all with what they want to do, but I am supposed to come up with something brilliant by tomorrow, and get my con law, evidence, and ed law done, AND finish my paper so I can take it to Kinkos where it will be lost/burned and I'll fail anyway. But back to work. So as I am walking by the secretary's desk, I managed to knock her stupid snow globe off her desk and it broke and spilled fake snow all over the floor. She was pissed, and people were staring, and all I could think was, "who in the hell has a snow globe out on their desk in February!?" Bastards!

Blah, blah, just went on and on interminably. The person who gave me my last writing assignment came in and basically said it sucked and caused me to completly lose it while working on the next one. I knew this school wasn't teaching us jack crap about legal writing.

I came home, passed out, and slept through the time I was supposed to do my homework for the class I am in now. Then I got here and and found out I was supposed to have prepared an oral argument for this week, not next week, because he screwed things up when he changed the syllabus, but since I am the only one who didn't figure it out, I am toast.

Oh, and speaking of toast, Stephanie brought home this weird bread from the co-op called 1927 Penny Loaf. Huh? WHo makes this crap up? Furthermore, who buys it? My crazy roommate. But at least she walked the feral dog for me this morning. Otherwise, i don't know where I'd be. God, let tomorrow be better.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Help! I'm sinking!

This week is turning out to be a doosy, partly because Stephanaie and I are dumb, and got a new dog; partly because our other dog, Daisy had a big abcess and the stupid emergency vet charged a small fortune to fix it, only she didn't really; partly because I managed to get waaaaaay too much work for myself at my internship, and partly b/c my brief is almost due and I have done practically nothing. I am doomed! But in two weeks, all should be at least moderately OK, and I plan to go to the beach house and freeze my ass off by the sea. It should be great!

Not Titan, but maybe a distant relative.